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2008年9月20日 星期六


最近還在和同事討論【塑膠袋】是這麼做出來的,今天去參觀了一下『台北國際塑膠橡膠工業展 (Taipei PLAS)』,剛好就有展出【吹袋機】,正在展示如何製作塑膠袋。

1. 首先把塑膠原料放入料筒,然後加熱熔化塑膠原料並擠出。

2. 再用熱風把把擠出的塑膠袋吹大變薄。

3. 經過風車冷卻成型的塑膠袋並壓扁。

4. 半成品捲袋包裝。




5. 捲袋完成後還要印刷、封口、裁切打孔。 (也有一體成型的機器)

(↓這是在『台北國際塑膠橡膠工業展 (Taipei PLAS)』現場拍的照片,機器至少有三到四個成人高)
BlowFilmMachine05 BlowFilmMachine06

2008年9月16日 星期二

[技術] PTF(Polymer Thick Film)製造的製程能力

PTF由於使用絲印(screen Printing)製程來印刷導電線路,所以其製程的精準度無法和FPC的蝕刻製程相比擬。


層於層之間的印刷對位經準度:0.05mm (最小)


外型裁切的偏移精準度:0.05mm (最小)

所以,整體的導電線路最小印刷偏移量為 0.12mm = 0.05+0.02+0.05 (適用於兩層導電層以上的的產品,如果是單層線路,最小偏移量為0.07mm)


2008年9月15日 星期一

[技術] FPC 結構 (資料收集)


Single Sided Flexible Circuit:

Solder Resist Type of Single Sided FPC

Double Access Flexible Circuit:

dual access fpcDual Access Flex Circuit

Double Sided Flexible Circuit:

Double Sided FPC StructureDouble Sided FPCs Samples

Multi-layer Flexible Circuit:

Multi Layer FPC Structure

FPC ability

Parameter (mm)
Polyimide (PI)
Laminate Thickness 0.025 / 0.050/ 0.125/ 0.175 0.025 / 0.050/ 0.075
Copper Foil 0.018,0.035,0.070 0.035,0.070
Min Pattern width/Space 0.075(3 mil) 0.075(3 mil)
Min. Drilled Hole Size Non-Plated Thru 0.25 ( .010" ); Tolerance +/-.0386( .0015")
Plated Thru

0.25. ( .010" ); Tolerance +/-.076( .0030")

Outlines Dimension +/- 0.05 +/- 0.05

Peeling Strength(180°Direction)

>1.2kgf / cm >1.2kgf / cm
Solder Hent Resistance 280℃ / 10secs 280℃ / 10secs
Surface Treatment Ni/Au 2~5μm 2~5μm
Au(Electro/Immersion) 0.03 ~0.1μm 0.03 ~0.1μm
Sn/Pb (Lead Free) 3~ 20μm 3~ 20μm
Sn-Cu Plating (Lead Free) 3~ 5μm 3~ 5μm
Tin Plating (Pure Sn) 5 ~ 8μm 5 ~ 8μm
Bending flexibility Meet to IPC Criterion
Chemical Resistance Meet to IPC Criterion

這裡有一個關於[軟性線路板 - FPC]的網站,有提到很多的FPC的觀念,只可惜是簡體字,改天慢慢咀嚼後在撰文與大家分享。http://www.bestfpc.com/fpcblog/cn/

2008年9月12日 星期五

[技術] PTF在PET上印刷線路的注意事項

PTF: Polymer Thick Film (聚合厚模),

PET: Polyethylene terephthalate (聚乙烯對苯二甲酸酯),維基的解釋

就如同大家所知道的,相較於FPC,PTF軟板的確有其低價、交期短的諸多優點,但是PTF卻有其先天上的能力限制。由於使用絲網印刷製程的緣故,PFT無法製作比FPC還小的電子線路間距,雖然宣稱可以達到最小5mils (0.12mm)的電子線路間距,但其實10mils(0.25mm)就已經快到極限。另外,PTF也無法承受對折式的壓折,因為其電子線路的材質為銀漿及導電碳,它門沒有如FPC的銅線路具有延展的能力,可以承受少次數的彎折。


  • 異物沾污:不導電的異物(particle),如果沾黏於電子線路之上,其最小的影響是增加線路的電阻值,因為電阻值與電子通過的面積成反比,並很有可能造成電性開路(open);如果是具導電性的異物沾污於線路及線路之間,就很有可能會造成電性短路(short),這種缺點最讓人討厭了,因為它在製造工廠生產時,沒有辦法完全透過測試的方法篩選出來,通常必須等到安裝於產品一段時間後才會產生問題,尤其是使用於高溫又高濕的地區。以後如果有機會,可以再撰文談討這個主題。
    潔靜室(Clean room),人員穿著防塵衣,並嚴格控制各種可能的污染源。環境控制的重要性,特別是在生產小間距線路的產品時。
    另外一個異物的可能來源是油墨,油墨在製作會加入一些金屬成份的添加劑,這些添加劑如果管控不當,很有可會結成硬塊,較大的硬塊無法流經絲網印的網目,就會阻塞絲印的網目,而造成印刷缺孔,甚至是造成電子線路斷線;較小的硬塊可以流經網目,但會在電子線路上形成凸點,這時如果有重疊的上、下層線路時,凸點很有可能會穿破絕緣層(dielectric layer)而造成上、下線路短路。油墨的污染也可能來自於油墨生產時的不良環境空氣,或是油墨存放的環境。管控油墨異物最好的方法是,用適當大小的濾網過濾油墨的沾污;如果沾污嚴重時,也可以先用粗濾網後用細濾網。
  • 導電層的印刷沾污:絲網印刷時,導電油墨的黏稠度相當重要,當稀釋劑添加太多時,油墨就會變稀 而變得容易滲透到原本不應該印有油墨的地方,這種缺點稱為印刷沾污,更糟糕的是這種沾污會持續到下一次印刷,甚至是下下一次,直到沾污的油墨乾竭為止。嚴重的印刷沾污會直接造成相鄰導電線路間的短路;輕微的印刷沾污也可能會影響到線路與線路間的電子流動,如果加上電壓為能源、溼度為催化劑,就很可能產生電子遷移(eletromigration)現象於線路與線路之間,隨著時間一久,就會產生導電性造成短路。
    解決這種導電層印刷沾污的方法,其一是選用適當油墨並控制稀釋劑的添加;其二是定期清洗絲印網板;其三是加強檢查,最好是每做好一張就檢查一張,如果能有AOI(Auto Optical Inspector,自動影像檢測機)就更好了。
  • 絕緣層的印刷孔、洞:絲印網板是由經線及緯線所構成,既然是線所構成,在印刷時有線的地方就會有印刷不到的地方,尤其是在經線及緯線交叉的地方,就會形成印刷不到的孔洞,這些孔洞極為細微,很難用眼睛觀察到,但電子還是有可能穿過,這時如果孔洞剛好落在相鄰層的導電線路上,就會造成層與層之間的短路。 

Hot-Bar 軟板設計注意事項
FPC Trace Pattern Layout Design Notices (軟板線路設計注意事項)
PTF(Polymer Thick Film)製造的製程能力
簡介PTF(Polymer Tick Film)聚合厚模

[Tech.] Notices for Screen-Printing on PET

The PTF (Polymer Thick Film) uses silkscreen to print the silver and carbon combination conductive inks on PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) substitute to reach low cost purpose as compare with FPC (Flexibility printing Circuit). Unfortunately, the screen-printing has some ability limits.

Below are my experiences to show you some notices for the screen-printing process.

  • Foreign particle contamination: The particle may come from the air or inks, include conductive and dielectric inks. In order to control the particle around the air, A 100K class of clean room is preferable for screen-printing process fields. Using filter to screen out big particle inside inks is also recommended.
    You can image the insulation particle locates on the circuit trace will bring the trace open or increase the resistance. The conductive particle locates between the circuit traces will make trace short. Especially, while you are manufacturing the fine pitch, pitch less than 16 mils (0.4mm), products.
    If the particle come from inks then it may clog the mesh of silkscreen template then bring the printing skip and result circuit open. Sometimes particle will pierce the dielectric layer between conductive layers and bring the circuit short between conductive layers.
  • Printing smear on circuits layer: Printing smear defect is a commonly problem for screen-printing process. It will make short between circuits once the smear cross to adjacent circuit traces. Especially for fine pitch products. Sometimes you hard to detect this kind of defect by test fixture and it will show up circuit short defect after it install unit for a period. it is highly suspected the electromigration happens between circuit traces.
    It better to clean the silkscreen template regularly base on actual status and check the printing result every layer after every circuits printing. It will be good if factory can implement the AOI (Auto Optical Inspector) equipment to inspect  printing quality.
    (↑The printing smear between circuits and bring electric short after environmental test. Using knife to cut off the smear area then PTF back to work.)
  • Printing voids  on dielectric layer: There are some tiny voids under screen-printing ink. Once the voids locate on the circuits between two conductive then it may bring circuit short. My experience show the eletromigration will grow dendrite between the layers of  circuits through  voids if you give voltage as engine and moisture as accelerator.
    You may reduce the viscosity for dielectric ink to solve the dielectric voids. Printing two or three dielectric layers between electric circuits and using different screen template with different mesh count and angle to cover the voids are preferred.

More article:
PTF(Polymer Tick Film) introduction
Hot-Bar FPC Design Notices

[電腦軟體] 如何取得鑲在 Outlook2003 郵件中的小動畫


其實山不轉,可以路轉啊!可以把郵件轉寄到你的[Web mail]帳號或是用[outlook express]來收信就可以了。

Web mail: 只要可以用瀏覽器收信看電子郵件的都算,個人覺得Gmail不錯。另外 Exchange 的 Web mail 好像不行。

Outlook express: 就是裝IE時會附帶裝進電腦的免費收信軟體。

2008年9月11日 星期四

[Tech.] PTF(Polymer Tick Film) introduction

PTF: Polymer Thick Film (The article in Wikipedia)

PET: Polyethylene terephthalate (The article in Wikipedia)

Polymer Thick Film (PTF) flexible circuits are manufactured by screen-printing conductive ink onto flexible substrates such as PET (Polyethylene terephthalate). It can be single layer or multi-layers circuit by further screen-printing dielectric materials as insulating layer and applying through-hole technologies.


The manufacturing process for two layer circuits of PTF:

Step 1, Print first circuits on PET flexible circuits. The material of circuit usually is silver and carbon combination ink.

Step 2, Print the dielectric layer to cover the 1st circuits. The usual dielectric material is UV ink.

Step 3, Print the second circuits on the dielectric layer.

Step 4, Print the final dielectric layer to cover all the circuits.


The Benefit of PTF

  • Save money and good to environment: PTF circuits  use additive printing with silver and carbon inks through screen printing. No need plating  and no population concern. The PET substrate is commonly applying the less costly than materials traditionally used in FPC (Flexible Printing Circuit) manufacturing.
  • Shorter lead-time: Since the manufacturing process is more simple than FPC. So its lead-time will be shorter than FPC.

The Disadvantage of PTF

  • No shape angle bending: No recommend bending the FPC with shape angle to prevent the circuit traces breaking.
  • Fine pitch circuits limit: The regular circuit pattern width/space is 20mils (0.5mm) and the minimum circuit pattern width/space is 5mils (0.127mm) but is limited.  (Note: The minimum circuit pattern width/space for FPC is 3mils)

2008年9月5日 星期五

[Tech.] Hot-Bar FPC Design Notices

The Hot-Bar reflow is a selective soldering process where connect two pre-fluxed, solder coated parts by heating element (call a thermode) with proper temperature to melt the solder.

Applying a pressure on the soldering target is necessary to melt the solder and insure that components stay in place during cooling.

The regular Hot-Bar reflow process is to pre-print the solder paste on the PCB then go SMT reflow with other SMD components. After that then stick the FPC on the board and melt the solder again through thermode to connect the FPC on board.

In order to mount FPC on PCB, a thermal-conductor inside FPC to transfer heat from thermode to PCB to melt the printed solder on PCB is necessary.

HotBar02s <-- Thermode

The common conductor inside FPC is building Plating hole (PTH) on contact finger of FPC as below sketch. Three PTHs on each contact finger are preferable. One half-circle via + two circle vias can be acceptable if there is no space for three completed vias.

It is necessary to apply double adhesive to fix FPC on board during Hot-Bar reflow process. No body like to take the hot touch risk to hold FPC on PCB for Hot Bar process.

To summary the requirements for Hot-Bar FPC:

  • 3 PTHs on Hot-Bar finger.
  • Double adhesive at near side to stick flex cable on PCB before Hot Bar process. The thickness should be less than 0.15mm and leave 0.2mm space from Hot-Bar terminal. 

Hot-Bar PCB pattern size should be designed as below to prevent solder short between patterns while thermode press down.



In order to prevent FPC from broken at solder finger edge. It is recommended to make different cover films (polymide) with various length end to fix the stress concentration issue. Detail recommended structure show as below.


The recommended components distance from Hot-Bar land pattern:

  • The minimum distance from components to front side of FPC is 2mm.
  • The minimum distance from components to both sides of PCB is 3mm.
  • The minimum distance from PCB edge to contact pads of FPC is 5mm. (This 5mm is for double adhesive tape purpose)
  • The minimum distance from components to contact pads under FPC is 10mm. (This 10mm is for double adhesive tape fixing on PCB)


2008年9月3日 星期三

[技術] 塑膠自攻螺絲扭力探討 (Self-tapping Screw)

產品設計時,塑膠的自攻螺絲(Self-tapping screw)是最不被重視的零件,
只是螺絲 真的是這麼




  • 螺絲的直徑 (Screw diameter): 直徑越大、扭力需要越大。
  • 螺絲的長度 (Screw length) : 越長度長、扭力需要越大。
  • 螺絲的螺牙間距 (Screw pitch): 間距越大、扭力需要越大。
  • 螺絲尖端的形狀 (Screw shape): 尖的、三角的
  • 螺絲孔的直徑 (Screw hold diameter): 螺絲孔的直徑越小、扭力需要越大。
  • 螺絲孔的脫模角度 (Screw hole draft angle): 脫模角度越大、扭力需要越大。
  • 螺絲孔的斜角 (Screw hole chamfer): 斜角越大、扭力需要越大。
  • 塑膠材質 (Plastic material): 越硬的塑膠材質(如reinforce或是含fiber的塑膠) 、其扭力需要越大。


    以經驗值選取扭力範圍(+/-0.3Kg/cm2 或 +/-0.5Kg/cm2),用電動螺絲起子設定其最小螺絲扭力,鎖緊後再用收動方式轉動螺絲來檢查螺絲扭力是否足夠,如果已經無法再用手動方式轉動螺絲,就表示螺絲扭力的最小值設定可以接受;如果還可以轉動,則表示最小扭力還不過,必須再往上增加。反覆測試後可以決定最小的電動起扭力。

    最小螺絲扭力決定後,再依據扭力範圍(+/-0.3Kg/cm2 或 +/-0.5Kg/cm2),把電動螺絲起子的扭力設定到扭力範圍的最大值(=最低扭力+0.3Kg或0.5Kg),拿10組上、下蓋(或是上、下殼),用電動起子重複鎖緊、鬆開螺絲10次後,確認有無任何螺絲孔滑牙或是螺絲柱破裂的現象發生,如果沒有,那恭喜你,最大螺絲扭力也設定完成了;如果有,則必須將扭力調小或是設計變更螺絲柱的內、外孔徑,然後再重複驗證。




  • 螺絲頭滑牙:有可能是扭力太大造成,可嘗試螺絲硬化處理,或是降低螺絲扭力解決。
  • 螺絲孔滑牙:檢查螺絲孔的內孔徑是否太大,或是選用較大牙距的螺絲。
  • 螺絲孔破裂 (crack ):檢查螺絲孔壁厚度設計是否太薄、螺絲的扭力是否太大、或是塑膠射出成型時是否有摻雜二次料、或是塑膠射出成型時塑膠粒未乾燥完全。
  • 螺絲鎖不緊 :檢查螺絲扭力是否太小、螺絲孔是否設計太小。另外,如果產品內部有應力或是上、下頂出的設計就要特別小心螺不緊的可能性。
  • 延伸閱讀:

    2008年9月1日 星期一

    [技術] 【電子產品】的生產製造流程

    一般【電子產品】的生產製造流程分為,【電路板組裝(PCBA)】及【成品組裝 (Box Build)】兩大部分。有的工廠只做【電路板組裝(PCBA)】的部分,完成後送到另一個工廠做【成品組裝 (Box Build)】,有的工廠則從頭到尾,其製造流程如下:

    SMT 的生產製造流程:

    1. PCB載入 (Loading) : 通常會把 PCB 先用人工方式放進 Magazine Rack (料架)中,以利自動送料生產。
    SMT_PCB_magazine01  ← SMT的料架 (magazine rack)

    2. 點膠 (glue dispense) ─:似乎只用在早期的電路板,需經『波峰焊(wave soldering)』的製程。點膠於電子零件下,目的是經過溫度烘烤後,電子零件會黏在電路板上,避免電子零件經過波峰焊(wave soldering)掉落於錫爐中。

    3. 錫膏/鋼板印刷 (Solder paste printing or glue printing) (MPM) :透過鋼板 (Stencil)把錫膏印刷於電路板上,錫膏是連接PCB及電子零件的橋樑。

    4. 錫膏檢查 (Solder paste inspection) :有些工廠不見得有【錫膏檢查】製程,其最主要目的是在零件貼著前檢查出有問題的錫膏印刷,如是否偏移、錫膏量是否足夠等,然後事先排除或修正這些可能會造成焊錫不良的錫膏印刷。

    5. 零件貼著(Pick & Place):

    5. 迴流焊 (Reflow) :參閱另一篇文章 迴流焊的溫度曲線 Reflow Profile

    6. 自動光學檢測 (AOI,Auto Optical Inspector) :光學檢查是否有錯件、掉件、偏移、吃錫不良、吃錫不足、焊錫短路、及錫球的發生,較難檢查空焊、假焊。

    7. 手焊零件:有一些電子零件沒有辦法用現有的SMT機器做【貼著】,如果是少量的零件,會選用【手焊】零件;如果多的話會考慮用【波峰焊(wave soldering)】製程。

    8. 收板及外觀目檢: 收板時也會讓 PCB 自動進入 Magazine Rack (料架)中,目的一是防止電子零件互相碰傷


    9. 電路板去板邊 (PCBA de-panel):

    10. 電路板測試 (PCBA test):

    • MDA/ICT
    • Function test

    步驟 9 及 10 可以視製程需求互換。

    成品組裝 (Box Build)

    11. 成品組裝 (Box Build)

    12. 燒機 (Burn/In)

    產品燒機的優缺點探討 (Burn/In)

    13. 最後測試 (Final Test)

    14. 成品入庫 (Ship to stock)

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