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2009年2月16日 星期一

TQRDCE Performance Expectations and Review


Company’s strategy for establishing and maintaining long-term working relationships is through creating and monitoring mutual performance expect ions and measurements. Performance metrics, constructive feedback, as well as prompt corrective action by the supplier and by customer are fundamental to achieving continuous process improvement.

In order to provide customer with the means to measure our suppliers, the TQRDCE (Technology, Quality, Responsiveness, Delivery, Cost, and Environmental) review was developed. It is imperative that supplier maintain a competitive advantage by providing materials of the highest quality and lowest total cost, with the best delivery, responsiveness and technology available. The TQRDCE Review is a tool for measuring and communicating a supplier’s performance and to aid company in determining their place in future business relationships.

This review is being provided two weeks in advance of our scheduled meeting with [SUPPLIER] on [DATE] at [LOCATION]. it should be shared with the appropriate personnel at [SUPPLIER] with a focus on the development objectives. it is company’s expectation that [SUPPLIER] come to the review with a written action plan that addresses all the development objectives listed on the review.

This action plan, which should identify specific actionable plans with owners and due dates, will serve as the focus for the majority of discussions on [DATE]. Progress against these plans will be reviewed on a regular basis (quarterly at a minimum) – towards the continuous improvements in TQRDCE criteria. [SUPPLIER] is also encouraged to add items of feedback for customer that could enable [SUPPLIER]’s ability to respond.


Maximum Value Points Earned Technology Criteria Notes
30   State-Of-The-Art, R&D/Mfg. Equipment
File/Data Exchange, metrology, Automation
20   Process/Innovation  
20   Process Development/Qualification/implementation  
20   Mutual Engineering/Design for manufacture  
10   Communication/Introduction of Market technology Trend to customer.
Cost, Quality, yield


Maximum Value Points Earned Part 1: Quality Criteria (if QSA done) Notes
75   Certified to process control Level 1. QSA  
15   Cpk exceed 1.33 for critical parameters (1~3)  
10   Fit-To-Use (Design for Quality)
Critical parameter

Maximum Value Points Earned Part 2: Quality Criteria (if no QSA done) Notes

Process Control

  • Defined and complemented process controls with process meeting target Cpk 1.33 on process control dimensions (1~3)
  • Control dimensions correlated with established criteria dimensions (Fit-For-Use)
  • Control charts specified and implemented on critical parameters specified by customer.
  • Documented process for integrating latest drawing/specification into manufacturing process.

Incoming Material

  • Material Inspection/Audit process is adequate.
  • Material variation communicated

Equipment & Maintenance

  • Preventive maintenance schedule established and maintenance for all equipment where appropriate.
  • Calibration records maintained.
    Critical parameter

Continuous Quality/Reliability Improvements

  • Continuous improvement plan in place to address quality and reliability improvements with goals and dates.
  • Root cause analysis made and corrective action taken to meet goals
  • Metrology process in place to ensure targeted results.
  • Corrective action system to address quality, reliability & custom complain.


Maximum Value Points Earned Part 2: Quality Criteria (if no QSA done) Notes

Responds to customer questions and inquires within 24 hours, responds to quotations within 5 working days, and demonstrates flexibility with order change.
New Po & PO rescheduled conformation with 2 working days.


Supplier had the flexibility in its manufacturing capacity to comply with customer unexpected sudden increases or decreases in its requirements at no additional cost.


Notification customer of potential delivery or quality problem with sufficient lead-time to avoid manufacturing or development disruptions.


Response to customer initiated process and material changes within agreed upon time frames

15   Documents responses to identified problem and corrective action requests.  
15   Meet customer stated turnaround time for disposition of rejected material.  


Maximum Value Points Earned Part 2: Quality Criteria (if no QSA done) Notes

On time delivery.


Lead-time meets current goal.


Follows shipping instructions (quality and carrier) or provides advantage request for changes.



Maximum Value Points Earned Part 2: Quality Criteria (if no QSA done) Notes

Cost reduction programs are in place to meet cost reduction goal.


Complete cost breakdown provided for each product manufactured.



Maximum Value Points Earned Part 2: Quality Criteria (if no QSA done) Notes
40   Environmental impact awareness  

Designed environmentally


Disposal handling


Scoring Summary

  • Technology x15% weight
  • Quality x 20% weight
  • Responsiveness x 15% weight
  • Delivery x 20% weight
  • Cost x 20% weight
  • Business/Environmental x10% Weight

2009年2月6日 星期五

[電腦] Outlook 2003 也可以縮小圖片

一般人在使用電子郵件時,常常有機會附上圖片,但現在的數位相機拍得照片解析度越來越高,拍一張照片動不動就是 1~2 Mega 的檔案大小,讓我們原本就不是很大的網路郵件空間更加的吃緊。


[生活] 如何正確使用【電子郵件(Email)】(九)─減小郵件大小

在偶然間發現原來 Outlook 2003 以後的版本已經考慮到這種狀況了,還貼心的在郵件功能裡加進了『縮圖』的功能,這裡就為大家介紹 Outlook 2003 的縮圖方法。

1. 開啟 Outlook 2003 的寄件夾,先把要寄送的圖檔加入當作附檔。這時會看到電子郵件的畫面中多出了一行『Attach…』及一個『Attachment Options』的按鈕,按下這個按鈕。


2.按下『Attachment Options』的按鈕後,在右邊會出現一個『Attachment Options』的側邊欄,這裡有一個『Picture Options』的欄位,在『Select picture size:』按下拉選單,可以看到三種圖片的解析度大小供選擇,有 Small(448 x 336), Medium (640 x 480), Large (1024 x 768),我通常選擇 『640 x 480』 ,一般來說這樣的解析度就夠了,除非是要送很詳細的圖。
如果在『Show when attaching files』的前面打勾的話,下次只要你在 Outlook 的郵件中加上附圖時。這個『Attachment Options』就會自動打開,方便你選擇縮圖的功能。

3. 設定完成後,郵件也寫好了,就可以按下『Send』傳送鈕寄出郵件,當對方收到郵件時其附圖的解析度就會是我們設定好得大小了,你也可以到『寄件備份夾』找到剛剛寄出的郵件,打開來看就可以發現附圖檔的檔案真的變小了。
這裡原本兩張附圖的解析度都是 1600 x 1200 有 809KB 及 762KB,縮完圖後變成了 640 x480 的 43KB 及 37KB,相差幾乎20倍。


[電腦] 快速找出 Outlook 2003 行事曆中的大檔案項目並刪除
定期檢視 Exchange server 中已使用的空間大小 (以outlook 2003為例)
Outlook 2003 English 如何使用顏色管理郵件

[生活] 如何正確使用【電子郵件(Email)】(九)─減小郵件大小

2009年2月5日 星期四

Nikon COOLPIX 4500 Speedlight is in closed position 閃光燈彈起後無作用

coolpix4500_01 coolpix4500_02

Nikon COOLPIX 4500 是我入手的第一台數位相機,我蠻喜歡這一台相機的,在工作上,我可以拿它來拍攝一些產品的特寫,或是分析一些產品不良時的近照,效果不錯,另外我也拿它放在顯微鏡的鏡頭上直接拍攝放大的鏡頭;另外,我也常常拿這台相機偷偷地拍攝朋友及路人的鏡頭,因為它的鏡頭可以旋轉 270 度,可以讓被拍攝的人不知道我正在拍攝。

它雖然有些老舊了,但實際上我到現在還在使用它。只是最近他的閃光燈老是出問題,螢幕常常會出現『Speedlight is in the closed position』的錯誤訊息,可是閃光燈明明就已經彈起了,但就是不閃光,是可以拍照,但拍出來的效果就是不好,一開始的時候還時好時壞的,後來就完全不行了,看它觀景窗旁的『閃電』符號的指示燈一直快速的閃爍,可是就是無法閃光。


1. COOLPIX 4500 的閃光燈凹槽內有一個閃光燈卡榫(如下圖),先設定成強制閃光,等閃光燈機構跳起後,可以先試著把這個卡榫壓到底,然後再按快門看看,記得先不要放開,多試幾次,通常幾次後會成功。

2. 一樣先把 COOLPIX 4500 設定成強制閃光,等閃光燈機構跳起後,可以試著把這個閃光燈機構往下壓一點點,然後再按快門看看是否可以發出閃光,至於往下按多少距離,這可能要慢慢的試,一樣多試幾次吧!

3. 閃光燈機構跳起時,用手阻擋,然後慢慢地放開,基本上這個方法的成功率不高。這個方法可以避免閃光燈機構跳起時的振動影響到相機的判斷。


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